Finn’s Story
Our beautiful Finn was born in 2008, the second of our two girls. Due to complications at time of delivery, Finn lived her short life unable to talk, walk, sit up or eat independently. She did not make a sound for many months but when she started to smile and laugh, she never stopped. Despite being reliant on someone else for every single thing, she was the happiest child and had the biggest personality. As her parents, we always said “we cannot complain until Finn complains” and this just never happened. Finn was a strong and determined young lady and never, ever gave up.
Despite facing adversity on a daily basis, Finn enjoyed life to the fullest and never let her disabilities define her. She loved going to public school and endeared herself to all of the staff and friends she met over the years. She loved all the years of swimming, horse riding and music therapies. She always looked forward to dance class and had the privilege of performing at a Boston Celtics game.
Finn never met a mirror or a camera that she did not like, always quick with her smile. Finn’s electric smile and infectious laugh brought joy to everyone who met her, including her family, friends, strangers, and her many medical providers, therapists and caregivers. Spending time with her sister, Kian, was always cherished. A family hug was always welcomed, bringing out her trademark giggle.
She adored spending her afternoons taking her teacup Yorkie, Jennie, to the dog park or spinning in the driveway. They were always quite a duo, each other’s best friend. She enjoyed watching her favorite TV shows, especially NickJR, M*A*S*H and TAXI. She was an avid traveler, enjoying family trips to New Hampshire, Bermuda, Disney, Canada and especially Ireland, where she shared her love and joy with all her family there.
Finn died on January 15, 2021, suddenly and unexpectedly, at the age of 12. In true Finn style, she continues to spread her love and joy to others through the gift of organ donation. She gave us all over twelve years of pure love and happiness every single day. Finn was the center of our whole world. We miss her every minute of every day and will carry Finn in our hearts forever.